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Steel Faith Overhaul Mod ##TOP##

Steel Faith Overhaul Mod: A Guide for Total War: Warhammer Fans

If you are a fan of Total War: Warhammer and you are looking for a way to enhance your gameplay experience, you might want to check out the Steel Faith Overhaul Mod. This mod is a total overhaul that changes every aspect of the game to be closer to the lore and Warhammer universe. In this article, we will explain what this mod does, how to install it, and why you should give it a try.

Steel Faith Overhaul Mod

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What is Steel Faith Overhaul Mod?

Steel Faith Overhaul Mod (SFO) is a mod that aims to make Total War: Warhammer more fun, immersive, and lore-friendly. It does this by overhauling the campaign and battles, adding new units, factions, mechanics, features, and more. SFO is not meant to be better than the vanilla game, but rather a different experience that appeals to Warhammer fans.

Some of the main features of SFO are:

  • A revamped campaign map with new regions, climates, resources, landmarks, and events.

  • A reworked faction system with new playable factions, subfactions, confederations, diplomacy options, and unique mechanics.

  • A redesigned battle system with new unit stats, abilities, formations, animations, effects, and balance.

  • A more diverse and challenging AI that uses more tactics, strategies, and army compositions.

  • A more lore-friendly and immersive atmosphere with new visuals, sounds, music, UI, and lore references.

  • A modular design that allows you to customize your experience with optional submods and compatibility patches.

How to install Steel Faith Overhaul Mod?

Installing SFO is very easy and straightforward. All you need to do is:

  • Go to the Steam Workshop page of SFO and subscribe to it.

  • Launch Total War: Warhammer and enable SFO in the mod manager.

  • Start a new campaign or load an existing one (if you have the previous version of SFO installed).

  • Enjoy!

Note that SFO is fully standalone and does not require any other mods or DLCs to work properly. However, if you want to use other mods with SFO, make sure they are compatible or have a patch available. You can find a list of integrated mods, recommended mods, and patches on the SFO website or Steam Workshop page.

Why should you try Steel Faith Overhaul Mod?

If you are still not convinced that SFO is worth trying, here are some reasons why you should:

  • SFO is made by long-time fans of Warhammer who want to share their passion with you.

  • SFO is constantly updated and improved with new content, features, fixes, and balance changes.

  • SFO has a large and active community with more than 20,000 people on Discord and 500,000 subscribers on Steam Workshop.

  • SFO is free and does not require any payments to access it. However, any support is appreciated by the mod team who put a lot of work into it.

  • SFO is fun! It offers a new and exciting way to play Total War: Warhammer that will keep you entertained for hours.

So what are you waiting for? Give SFO a try and see for yourself why it is one of the most popular and acclaimed mods for Total War: Warhammer. You won't regret it!

How to play with Steel Faith Overhaul Mod?

Playing with SFO is not much different from playing the vanilla game, except that everything is more enhanced and diverse. You can choose from a variety of factions, each with their own unique mechanics, units, and challenges. You can also customize your campaign settings to suit your preferences and difficulty level. SFO also adds new events, quests, dilemmas, and landmarks that will make your campaign more dynamic and immersive.

However, playing with SFO also requires some adjustments and learning. Since SFO changes many aspects of the game, you will need to familiarize yourself with the new features, stats, abilities, and balance. You will also need to adapt your tactics and strategies to the new AI behavior and army compositions. SFO is not a mod for casual players who want an easy victory. It is a mod for hardcore fans who want a more challenging and rewarding experience.

What are the benefits of Steel Faith Overhaul Mod?

There are many benefits of using SFO over the vanilla game. Some of them are:

  • SFO makes the game more lore-friendly and immersive by adding more details, references, and flavor to the Warhammer universe.

  • SFO makes the game more fun and diverse by adding more options, features, and content to the campaign and battles.

  • SFO makes the game more balanced and fair by fixing bugs, exploits, and issues that plague the vanilla game.

  • SFO makes the game more compatible and customizable by allowing you to use other mods and submods with it.

  • SFO makes the game more supported and updated by having a dedicated mod team that listens to feedback and works hard to improve the mod.

These are just some of the benefits of using SFO. There are many more that you will discover as you play with it.

What are the differences between Steel Faith Overhaul Mod and vanilla game?

There are many differences between SFO and the vanilla game, as SFO changes every aspect of the game. Some of the most noticeable differences are:

  • SFO adds new units and factions to the game, such as Kislev, Araby, Nippon, Albion, Amazons, and more.

  • SFO changes the stats and abilities of existing units and factions, making them more unique and lore-friendly.

  • SFO adds new mechanics and features to the game, such as population, supply lines, corruption, magic, religion, and more.

  • SFO changes the campaign map and climate system, making it more diverse and realistic.

  • SFO changes the AI behavior and army compositions, making it more challenging and unpredictable.

These are just some of the differences between SFO and the vanilla game. There are many more that you will discover as you play with it.

How to uninstall Steel Faith Overhaul Mod?

If you want to uninstall SFO for any reason, you can do so easily and safely. All you need to do is:

  • Go to the Steam Workshop page of SFO and unsubscribe from it.

  • Launch Total War: Warhammer and disable SFO in the mod manager.

  • Delete any save files that use SFO (optional).

  • Enjoy the vanilla game or try another mod.

Note that uninstalling SFO will not affect your vanilla game or other mods. However, you will not be able to load any save files that use SFO unless you reinstall it.

  • The official website of SFO: Here you can find the complete list of changes, the changelog, the FAQ, the mod team, and more.

  • The official Discord server of SFO: Here you can join the community, chat with the mod team, give feedback, report bugs, and more.

  • The official YouTube channel of SFO: Here you can watch modding videos, guides, previews, and more.

  • The official Twitter account of SFO: Here you can follow the latest news, updates, and announcements about the mod.

  • The Steam Workshop pages of SFO: SFO: Grimhammer II and SFO: Grimhammer III. Here you can subscribe to the mod, read the description, view the comments, and more.

These are some of the best places to find more information about SFO and its features. You can also search online for reviews, articles, videos, and forums about the mod.


Steel Faith Overhaul Mod is a mod that transforms Total War: Warhammer into a more lore-friendly, immersive, and diverse game. It overhauls every aspect of the game, from the campaign map to the battles, from the factions to the units, from the mechanics to the visuals. It also adds new content, features, fixes, and balance changes to the game. SFO is not a mod for everyone, but it is a mod for Warhammer fans who want a different and challenging experience.

If you are interested in trying SFO, you can find it on Steam Workshop, where you can subscribe to it and enable it in the mod manager. You can also visit the official website, Discord server, YouTube channel, and Twitter account of SFO for more information, updates, and support. SFO is free and does not require any other mods or DLCs to work properly. However, any support is appreciated by the mod team who put a lot of work into it.

SFO is one of the most popular and acclaimed mods for Total War: Warhammer. It has a large and active community with more than 20,000 people on Discord and 500,000 subscribers on Steam Workshop. It is also constantly updated and improved with new content, features, fixes, and balance changes. SFO is a mod made by long-time fans of Warhammer who want to share their passion with you. So what are you waiting for? Give SFO a try and see for yourself why it is one of the best mods for Total War: Warhammer.

Steel Faith Overhaul Mod is a mod that transforms Total War: Warhammer into a more lore-friendly, immersive, and diverse game. It overhauls every aspect of the game, from the campaign map to the battles, from the factions to the units, from the mechanics to the visuals. It also adds new content, features, fixes, and balance changes to the game. SFO is not a mod for everyone, but it is a mod for Warhammer fans who want a different and challenging experience.

If you are interested in trying SFO, you can find it on Steam Workshop, where you can subscribe to it and enable it in the mod manager. You can also visit the official website, Discord server, YouTube channel, and Twitter account of SFO for more information, updates, and support. SFO is free and does not require any other mods or DLCs to work properly. However, any support is appreciated by the mod team who put a lot of work into it.

SFO is one of the most popular and acclaimed mods for Total War: Warhammer. It has a large and active community with more than 20,000 people on Discord and 500,000 subscribers on Steam Workshop. It is also constantly updated and improved with new content, features, fixes, and balance changes. SFO is a mod made by long-time fans of Warhammer who want to share their passion with you. So what are you waiting for? Give SFO a try and see for yourself why it is one of the best mods for Total War: Warhammer. 6c859133af


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